Monday, 18 August 2008

Lots More Summer School Photos

Hello, its Andrew writing again. I've just been sorting through all of the hundreds of photos I took at Summer Theatre School this year, and I have whittled them down to a number of little sets. There are far too many for me to show them all individually here, it would be an ugly mess, so what I have done is create a big collection of these photos on Flickr, with lots of little sets to make them easier to browse.

The whole collection can be found here or you can click on each picture below to be taken to a slide show of each of the sets I have made, or click on the title to see a gallery of the photos.

Behind The Lines

01 Behind The Lines-002

Multi Story.Net

02 Multi Story Net-013

Face The Music

03 Face The Music-007

Flying Colours

04 Flying Colours-014

Giant Leaps

05 Giant Leaps-012

Riding Lights Express

06 Riding Lights Express-014

Stage By Stage

07 Stage By Stage-031

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